5 Pros and Cons of Whole House Dehumidifiers

High humidity in your home can encourage the growth of mold and mildew, damage paintwork. wallpaper, floors, and furniture. To help combat the rising humidity level, you can set up proper ventilation, minimize activities that give out excess moisture, or get a dehumidifier to lower the high humidity.

Dehumidifiers come in different sizes. However, they can be broadly categorized as portable dehumidifiers and whole-house dehumidifiers.

Portable dehumidifiers are compact and can be moved from one area to another. Whole-house dehumidifiers work together with your HVAC system.

If you’re looking to invest in a whole-house dehumidifier, you are in the right place. In this post, I’ll talk about the pros and cons of whole-house dehumidifiers to help you make an informed decision.

Pros of Whole-House Dehumidifiers

1. Better Home Air Quality

A higher humidity than average creates a thriving environment for the growth of mold and mildew. Most microorganisms also grow in crazy numbers once the relative humidity exceeds normal. A whole-house dehumidifier can help remove and regulate your indoor humidity.

If the humidity level is kept in check, it curbs the growth of mold and other microorganisms that can affect the air quality. Even hard-to-reach areas in your home will benefit from a whole-house dehumidifier.

2. Improved Comfort

In the summer, when it is hotter, a higher humidity level in your home can make it unbearable. This is because humid air holds more heat than dry air. A whole-house dehumidifier can keep the humidity in check, which also helps lower the heat in your home.

Also, unlike a portable dehumidifier, a whole-house dehumidifier works on your whole house. This means every room is dehumidified evenly, leaving no spots that can harbor mold and other microorganisms.

3. Compliments Your Air Conditioner

An air conditioner removes moisture from the air to cool down the air in your home. As warm air passes through the evaporator coils, excess moisture is removed and the air cooled. The air is then pumped back to your home for cooling. When you use a whole-house dehumidifier, it compliments your air conditioner by removing excess moisture.

The air conditioner will cycle less frequently to cool down your home effectively. In the long run, this will help your air conditioning system last longer. You’ll also save on your monthly electric bill.

4. Better Humidity Control Around your Home

Portable dehumidifiers are great for controlling the humidity levels in a single spot in your home. Although some can work for your home, they are not efficient compared to whole-house dehumidifiers.


Whole-house dehumidifiers work around your home, guaranteeing better and even humidity control. There will be no damper areas or dryer areas in your home.

Cons of a Whole-House Dehumidifier

1. Expensive to Purchase & Install

This is the number one disadvantage of whole-house dehumidifiers. The initial cost to acquire the unit will require you to spend a fortune. However, this will also raise the value of your home, and you’ll recover the money spent if you decide to sell your home.

Apart from monetary value, the sentimental value of installing a whole-house dehumidifier, such as better comfort and improved health, can help offset the money spent.

Whole House Dehumidifiers

The installation will also cost you a professional to do it correctly. Whole-house dehumidifiers are connected to your home’s ductwork. A slight error could cost you ductwork repairs if you plan to do it yourself.