Here are the Types of Water To Use in Humidifier

A humidifier is a home-used appliance that turns water into breathable vapor or steam. You should fill it with water to work effectively. However, what kind of water should you use in a humidifier?

It is a question that many ask whenever they purchase or want to use their device. Shown below are the types of water that we employ in a humidifier.

1. Distilled Water – Best for your Humidifier

Distilled water is the best and most recommended type of water to use in a humidifier. In the formation of distilled water, steam is collected after boiling water to the steaming point, then cools back to its liquid form; after that, you should store it in a safe place. Let’s look at why you should use distilled water over any other type of water.


What Makes Distilled Water Safe in Humidifiers?

  • Distilled water lacks impurities and minerals that may lead to clogging of your humidifier.
  • It gives your house fresh and quality air as it lacks dissolved minerals that cause humidifier dust.
  • It lacks mold spores that trigger mold colonies in your humidifier.

How To Make Distilled Water at Home

Distilled water has different uses. You can drink it, water your plants, refill your humidifier, and much more. It is also easy to make at home with very few basic supplies. There are different methods of making it.

You can use the extended kettle method, floating bowl method, or even construct a solar-powered water distiller. In our post on making distilled water for humidifiers, read more about making distilled water.

2. Bottled water

This is a type of water that is sealed in food-grade bottles and sold or distributed for human consumption. Bottled water can come from several sources, including tap water, springs, wells, and surface waters.

Water Bottle

Although some people choose to work with bottled water in their humidifiers, multiple types of research indicate that bottled water is unsafe to be used in humidifiers as it contains lots of different minerals that can quickly clog your machine.

3. Demineralized Water

Demineralized water is just as the name sounds. Water has had all or most of the mineral impurities removed. Demineralized water can also be referred to as deionized water or demi water. Demineralized water can be made via ion exchange, electro deionization, and membrane filtration.


Can we use Demineralised Water in a Humidifier?

Although demineralized water is stripped of most minerals, deionization of water does not get rid of uncharged molecules, like bacteria and viruses. These bacteria and viruses can still find their way from your humidifier to the air you breathe.


4. Boiled Water

You often boil water to get rid of bacteria and germs. This is because boiled water denatures pathogens due to the heat. However, boiled water is not recommended in humidifiers. This is because it still contains metals and minerals likely to prevent the humidifier from working smoothly.


The use of boiled water in your humidifier can cause the build-up of a whitish substance. As it works, your humidifier can also become an air pollutant releasing minerals like fluoride into the air. Because of this, boiled water is not advisable to use in your humidifier.

5. Tap water

Can you use tap water on your humidifier? No. We do not recommend it while still a viable option. Water from the tap contains many minerals and solids and clogs the machine when added to the humidifier.


When you use tap water in humidifiers, it reduces the quality of air produced, leading to health complications.

Which Type of Water is Best for Your Humidifier?

With the help of humidifiers, everyone has a chance to breathe in moist and cool air. I know you have a right to do whatever you wish with your device, but you should also consider that quality humidifiers are expensive and may cost a lot to repair when damaged.

For that reason, remember to use distilled water in your humidifier as it helps produce quality air needed for your health and prevents your machine from clogging.